JiNing Shengdu Pneumatic Breaker Tools Co., Ltd.
CONTACTS: Manager Xia
ADD:Hong Kong and Macao Industrial Park, Jiaxiang County, Jining City, Shandong Province
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The whole drill photo 002

Release time:2021-04-14   click:
The whole drill photo 002
Product description:
                   Integral drill is to drill bits, drill rod, drill tail as one made with solder, and its advantages are: elimination of conical solder joints energy consumption, high working efficiency; eliminating the drill head loss phenomenon. His scope of use is the use of tapered drill rods, and extends to the secondary crushing rock picks brazing range. When the head alloy sheet can be cut after the normal retirement cone drill head for use. Integral drill head has a font, the ball tooth. Especially suitable for soft rock, coal and other places.
CONTACTS: Manager Xia    
TEL: 18266830000
ADD: Hong Kong and Macao Industrial Park, Jiaxiang County, Jining City, Shandong Province
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